Currently, i’m re targeting shinbi’s animation blueprint and character blueprint so that they both work with Kwang. I’ve gotten everything set up fine, but need a little help understanding the combo system they’ve put into place:
From what i understand, each time the player hits the attack button, a switch case statement is executed, checking the current attack count(or number of times the player has hit the attack button), and playing a varying animation montage each time. within these montages are notifies which, when the animation reaches a certain point, calls them and triggers an event call(shown in the graph). the two notifies used in this system are save attack and reset combo, which alter the Boolean values reset combo. but that’s where i get stuck. what’s the point of these booleans? for example, when i attack again, is attacking is already true, setting save attack to true and ending the execution.
is there something i’m missing? if so, please help me work through understanding.