Could someone explain me the procedure of making a Voxel planet using a Photoshop fantasy map as a 2D model?


I’m here because I’m a newcomer on Unreal Engine and I purchased today the Voxel Plugin Pro. Needless to say, I used the Voxel Plugin installer plugin to install the version 2.0.

Now, I made a few days ago a 2D map using Photoshop in the context of the creation of a fictional world, but disappointed by the land proportions, I wanted to use a software to make a 3D planet, which would be somewhat the final render to make the said land proportions more realistic.

I also know that when I open UE, there is the option to create a gaming-style project, a film/movie-style project, or an architecture-style project. What I ambition to do is to create a very huge planet that would serve as an architecture-type model (with all the geographic and landscape features) for the storytelling of my fictional world.

So, do you think you could either help me or direct me towards related ressources or videos.

So, thanks you, and have a good night!

To create a voxel planet from a fantasy map in Photoshop, first convert your 2D map into a 3D voxel model using software like MagicaVoxel or a similar tool. Adjust the voxel density and terrain elevation to suit the characteristics of your map. Finally, adjust the details, add textures, and export the voxel planet model for use in games and visualizations.