Could not open Visual Studio 2013 for project C:/UnrealEngine4_Full/UE4.sln

I reinstall and did set the environment varible in windows 7 64bit to :
value : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE

When i right click on some object in the class viewer and chose " open c++ header " nothing happens .

The message above pops only if i click on : file => Open visual studio .

I took this : VS110COMNTOOLS from tutorial that shows how to configure VS 2012 And i’v changed it into this VS120COMNTOOLS .
Cus 2013 is version 12 and still nothing .

Turn your computer off and on again, I had the same issue and it fixed it for me

What exact version of VS are you using?
I’m not entirely sure about those extra properties you’re setting but you should take care if they’re based on VS2012, they might just mess up things even more.
Do you have multiple versions of Visual studio installed? Especially express + pro (or another paid version) might be a doubtful combination, try to get rid of installations that might cause problems.

I’v removed all the versions of VS and deleted their remains from all my computer and my registery, reinstalled, and still the same issue .

I had the same issue. Your ENV variables are still pointing to the wrong folder.

For example, my non working variables were:

VCINSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\
VSINSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\

Which needs to be

VCINSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\
VSINSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\
VS120COMNTOOLS = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\

are you 100% sure uninstalling removed these folders?
Anwyays, hopefully that fixes you!

Yes i’v deleted everything and reinstalled .
this one i already had :
VS120COMNTOOLS = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools
and I’v added now the other two and restarted my computer and still the same issue :expressionless:

I opened up the batch files and inserted some debug statements, maybe if you do it will help.

I don’t really understand what you means, how do i do that ?

I have the exact same issue. Verified ENV variables. Still didnt have any luck, so I opened the Unreal Engine Launcher and pressed the "verify install"button under the "Launch"button and it found some locally edited files and fixed the issue for me !!

Ad3ViLl how exactly you do that ? can you upload a picture of it please ?

Sure, just open your Unreal Launcher ( NOT the Editor ). If you dont have the launcher you can download it from here Epic Games . Just login with your account and download it for either Windows or Mac. once it’s installed and downloaded the Engine, under the big yellow “Launch” button, you’ll see “verify install”. See attached pic.

If you’ve built the engine from source, check out the link below for more information on this :slight_smile:

This fixed the problem that I had as well. Thank you (and +1).

We had the same issue and we fixed it by modify the Environment Variables, here is the details:
right click Computer and click the Properties → click Advanced system settings → click Environment Variables button, find VS120COMNTOOLS variable in System variables listbox, set the correct Visual Studio 2013 install directory, like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools"

I had the same problem. I had set the Visual Studio .exe to run as administrator. Seems my computer didn’t want to allow Unreal Editor to run it as a result.

Turning it off fixed it for me. Hope this helps.

Hey Shakan-

Are you still experiencing this problem? We will be marking this as resolved, however let us know if you still need help with the issue you posted originally.
