Could not find root physics body

Dear all

I am getting the following when I spawn a skeletal mesh in game:

LogSkeletalMesh: USkeletalMeshComponent::InitArticulated : Could not find root physics body: ‘/Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Arena.Arena:PersistentLevel.Game_Item_actor_C_14.NODE_AddSkeletalMeshComponent-0’

The mesh spawns, but has no physics body.

I have re-imported the mesh deleted and recreated the physics asset.

Any ideas ?

OK solved it posting here to help others:

You get this error when the skeletal mesh and the physics asset are using different skeletons.

Kinda obvious when you think about it… what isn’t obvious is why my object isn’t spawning with the physics asset as set in the skeletal mesh.

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In case someone have still problem, eventough the skeletal mesh and the physical Asset have the same Skeleton. For me the issue was that the skeletal Mesh had “Physical Asset Overide” assigned and this physical asset couldnt be found, but as soon as i cleared this out it worked.
Kind regards