could not compile, try rebuilding from source manually

Trying to upgrade from 5.4 to 5.5 and got the could not compile error, gone to build in VS and getting this. Does anybody know how to resolve?

Try this:

Navigate to your project folder, delete the .vs folder, Source folder and the .sln file, open up the .uproject file, once the editor opens create a new C++ class from Tools > New C++ Class, also select it to be public while creating it, after that’s done, close the editor, head back to your project folder, navigate to the newly generated Source folder, then into the folder with your project name on it under the Source folder, and replace the Public & Private folders there with the original ones. Now you should be able to build your project with no issues :innocent:

Disclaimer: Always make sure to have a backup of your project before manually adjusting the project files!!!

Also, please consider using a dark theme for the love of humanity :blush: