Could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually


With on the project in UE I keep getting this message “Could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.”. It was actually build for android platforms and was working perfectly, however I tried the same version of project to be packaged for IOS. Although I didn’t reach the packaging stage, what I did was using IOS IPhonePackager.exe, I create a pairkey and certificate by selecting the UE project.

After this when I open the project in UE , I am getting this message.

Attached is the screen shot when UE asks me if I want to rebuild the project file and when I click yes in the log it stops at this error message.

Any idea where I messed up , cause it sure do look like I messed up big time.

Hello CreativeArch,

The message under that is the one you should be focused on as it is the actual error message.

“No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe”

This means that you etiher don’t have Visual Studio 2015 installed or (if you do) don’t have the correct packages installed for it. Please ensure that Visual Studio 2015 is installed and also ensure that the “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015” are installed through the installation utility for Visual Studio.

Thank you very much , that was the issue. I installed VS 2015 and it worked.