Could Epic change background color of web documentation to 60 % grey? It hurts my eyes the brilliant white

All the web would be great to 60 % grey

hey guy,I use the plugin of Web Explorer to change the BG color.
I know there is a plugin for Chrome.
But I don’t use Chrome so much ,so i forget its name .lol
So you can just google it.
In another way, the plugin i ref-ed has a bad point----once you set the color to all websites, if you want to close it temply,you need to change a bit code in the window, that’s not good for some lazy guys like me .
So i use the rubbish chinese-producted Sougou Explorer that has a plugin one-click to open and close the “Night-Mode”(which change the BG color /text color/URL color).

And there is also a uncomplete way to do so.The IE pros has some opts to set.

the other way ,you can download some software to change the screen color.
AMD CCC can do it.

or use Greasemonkey (Tampermonkey for Chrome) to modify the css.

Thanks guys. I didn’t know It could be changed in developer tools. My eyes stop burning jajaja, but I think 50 % grey should be used in all webs that use white as background.