Costs estimate for a new software (Serious game): -Unreal engine-.

Good morning all.

I'm developing a project on
virtual reality Daily Activities
using Oculus and Unreal Engine - C++ - or (if that
is simpliest) with C# for Unreal Engine -Oculus Cv1-.

The project requirements are to do basic
daily activities as Cooking using hands in an Italian
with hands natural commands, using Perception Neuron
or Rokoko suit.

it has to be compatible with both Cyberith Virtualizer and
Omni Virtuix.

Compatibility is requested also for Perception neuron, Rokoko suit,
Oculus -Cv1-.

Similar softwares to take as an example are:
1- Job simulator -made by Owlchemy Lab-
2- Gourmet Quest -made by CSUMB School of Computing and Design-
In fact the described two are afflicted by very grave ergonomy's usability
issues such as:
1-User control and freedom
2- Consistency and standards
3- Error prevention
4- Flexibility and efficiency of use
5- Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

Issues that I'd like to solve with
a new software development compatible with both Perception neuron
and Rokoko suit (for position and motion tracking systems) linked with
locomotion availability using Ciberith virtualizer and Omni Treadmill.

I would begin with a Very realistic Demo before to continue with a
more complex software (Serious Game) tasks:
-as having a shower, doing cleanings, get on and off dresses and so on-.
Before starting I would like to know the costs estimate.

I would be interested in receive some costs estimate.

Thank you again
for the attention.

Best regards.


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