I recently had open the file for the Default Pawn Class, (in my case; Vikingr_BP) and while editing the position of a weapon to an animation (wasn’t touching Vikingr_BP, only had it open) the engine crashed. I am now unable to open the Vikingr_BP file without UE crashing. I’m able to open any other file, but not this one or even go into the folder it’s in. What do I do?
This project is due on Thursday so a quick reply would be very much appreciated!
The animation I was editing has disappeared, and I think because it’s gone anything that was calling it before no longer works. I tried adding it back but it crashed again, even when changing the name of the animation. Thoughts anyone?
Well, this sometimes happens. There is only a few things you can do. You can try to replace the corrupt file with an auto saved version located in your project directory. This may or may not work and you may or may not loose some work. But to be honest, your probably going to loose some amount of work.
The best solution is version control. If you aren’t using it then you just learned the hard way why you should be, because these things happen, and trust me, in programming, they will. I cannot even count the amount of times version control has saved me. I went through the same hard lesson of not using it, and I only made that mistake once.
I really wish there was more I could do for ya, but I hope that auto saved backup works!
Thank you so much!! I had a look and found some autosaved files that weren’t corrupted from the crash (it crashed while saving) and everything’s fine now! Thanks again!
No problem, you are welcome! I’m glad you got it fixed. Could you please mark my answer as correct so that others with a simular problem can easily find the solution? Thanks