I am using blender to create some corridors but the collision is blocking off the character to walk through it. How do you set up the collision of this corridor to keep the player from walking out of the sides, but let it walk through the corridor?
1.- open the mesh in the staticmesh editor,
2.- remove collision
3.- add 4 collision boxes and adjust them as needed (for both walls and floor and ceiling) with the scale, move, rotate gizmos
Id like to view that corridor, is one mesh and one texture? 1024 or 2048, really?
Im making something alike but prefered to make separate pieces each one with a 2048 texture size and overlapping left side over right in order to maximize detail.
Is there a way to make the collision without the boxes?
Sorry for doing the screen shot in blender. Laying everything out then will export pieces out.
I have the same problem with my mesh and I got busy and haven’t gone back, but seeing this makes me wonder if your suggestion osakaro would work…
Mine is much more complex, not a straight tunnel but curves around , up and down in a spiral shape, and I used complex as simple for entire 375k mesh but it stops working when character goes through a door in wall, that goes into ‘inside’ of mesh which essentially would be the inside walls of mesh itself, not the tunnels.
I wonder if its possible to remove collision from a specific area, or maybe I can ‘add’ collision rectangles along entire areas ( floor should be enough I guess) to get this working, I guess I can try that but if anyone knows chime in
I am sure I will have more curved corridors, but this ship will be more angular instead of curved like a larger ship may be.
Well heck even if I put a character inside my hall they cant move…there has to be a way, because Unity 3d wasnt that hard.
Check your mesh in ‘mesh editor’, as noted earlier, and turn on collision visuals and verify if they are pointing in right directions.
that’s the only way for sure to know what they are doing, given your player isn’t walking on them right that is.
I had the same problem , but likely? a different reason who knows, but for me, though I had tunnels like you just different ( cave tunnels for me ), I had problems when player goes too close I think to ‘inside’ area of mesh which made character unable to walk on floor as character fell through, and I’m working on fixing it as I ve had more time lately to look into it.
You can also verify your normal are pointing the right direction in blender, I forgot command but you can turn normal to b e reverse which prob. would work for a tunnel, anyway some ideas if what you tried isn’t working. You can also ‘vizualize’ normal in mesh editor as well!
also, unity prob.? has better blender integration which ue4 is just now making ‘better’. No idea fo r sure what the status is, so you may be fighting that. Check your mesh in ME first , and go from there…
Doesn’t UE4 have collision Planes or is it just boxes and other 3d shapes?
all I see is sphere capsule and box, if you want to move individual sections of box to coincide with walls, just ‘box’ select “b” in blender and move that ‘edge’ to where you want it .
I think the only way for this kind of model is placing boxes (in UE4 editor -> staticMesh editor not in Blender). I dont think this could be a case for “complex as simple” strategy.
Start simple: first remove collision (whatever it has), then add a box just for the floor and test it.
faik osakaro , you can’t resize boxes in ue4 (collision) unless I missed it, but I DID get it to work obviously in blender, by ,making a copy of original mesh ( original mesh I tested, has a opening I made by just removing 4 faces at base of cube as a testcase), pasting it in which places it in same spot as original mesh, renamed copy as UCX_Cube and exported.
Imported it in and character collided as it should around cube walls but was able go ‘through’ opening in cube as expected.
No to confuse this, but that did it for me, hope that helps in some way and ty osakaro for helping as well.
well, now I can’t duplicate it. I’m not sure if its supposed to or not but the coll mesh isn’t being shown separately in Mesh editor or in game with ~ > show collision, so back to drawing board, Ughh.
Searching docs and internet trying to find something…HM this SHOULD work, I just copied and pasted in blender and added convex hull but nothing. This isn’t fun
When you setup UCX and export it, sometimes it is not working, if you copy original and rename it.
Make an UCX object out of primitives, join them with Strg+j, but do not merge vertices of primitives.
Select both and export.
Here is my operator preset for UE, works well, when worldsize is set to 0.01 / metric you have realworldsize 1:1 in UE
it was a lot simpler the way I told you but… whatever,
still I leave you a snapshot (I put there a pipe model just to illustrate) of what I was talking about (btw boxes and other primitives DO can be resized!). I cannot help you more if you dont want to try what Im telling you.
It’s not that no one 'understood you osakaro, you should be less willing to deride your fellow developer and be more patient btw, its that it seems ridiculous that one needs to ‘setup’ collisioin IN unreal, it should all work inside the modeling app.
I had no idea you could resize coll. shapes though so that’s at least helpful yes, no one has ever mentioned that and I’ve never seen it in docs, so.
I’ll try all said approaches and see how it goes.
edit: ok I’m IN editor, I’ve looked around and I see you must click on coll prim to edit it, a ridiculous default but there it is, and and thankfully with ctrl +W you can duplicate alter as needed, but this is a very inefficient way of doing things, I hope someone is working on a better blender exporter .
Does maya make all this easier , if so I"d be willing to at least consider getting LT.
Ill look into it tonight if i have time. Hw at Full Sail is killing me.