Hi All:
I see in the quick reference:
Accessing the value stored in an array is a failable expression because there might not be an element at that index, and so it must be used in a failure context.
Then I also see this:
Changing an element in an array: You can change the value stored in an array variable at an index by using the keyword
set =
In my case I have an array of strings… for example
var Result : []string = array{"hello", "testing", "array"}
I tried to update one element using the set
set Result[0] = "replaced"
This gave me an error in VSCode:
This invocation calls a function that has the 'decides' effect, which is not allowed by its context.(3512)
The docs give an if statement for “accessing” the array such as
if (Element := ExampleArray[0]): Element
but that doesn’t really fit what I am trying to accomplish.
What is the correct way to update an element in the array while being mindful of a possible index-error/out-of-bounds error?