Correct way to package a plugin for distribution

i tried to package my plugin using the InEditor option but i get nonsensical errors, like missing a ; when i’m clearly not.

to be clear, the plugin compiles perfect, the game builds perfect, i can move the plugin to another project and everything works. only the package plugin build fails.

also what if any files can i delete to clean it up, do we still need intermediate etc?

regarding builds what is the accepted process, do i just build for the latest version or multiple versions.


Hi, when you’re building the package, it will be using UAT which has stricter checking - it may be that the object before the ; hasn’t been #included for example.

When you’re packaging to submit to the marketplace, you only need the .uplugin file, the Source folder, the Resources folder (for the icon in the Plugins window) and if you have any content, a Content folder. You can delete the binary and intermediate folders.

It used to be that you would support the latest 3 versions of UE, but now with FAB you can add versions for any UE version. For plugins you need one project per UE version.

I’m convinced the errors are definitely wrong though, for instance i have one .h file with nothing but an Enum in it and i get a multitude of errors, none of which make any sense to me. :open_mouth:

hopefully it just works on Epics side

What are the errors?

id have to try package again to remember but it was all random stuff like missing an ; here or expecting a ( there which if true i’m sure wouldn’t even compile at all, not to mention is easy to find and debug :man_shrugging:

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