Correct way to move a project to a new drive?

I’m fairly new to UE5 and things have been going great until I realized it defaulted to installing projects to my C drive with only a few GB left even though UE5 itself is installed to M. Oh well, no big deal, I’ll just relocate the project, right? Wrong. I’ve followed youtube tutorials, edited an .ini where the project paths are stored, I cannot get the moved project to show in UE despite being able to open it directly. “Migration” just crashes the program. What am I doing wrong?

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Well I created a new blank project in the spot I wanted to move the old one to, then manually copied the Content in Windows Explorer. After opening I had to fix a bunch of errors but now everything is working correctly and my project is in the right place. Man it would be nice if there were a supported way to do this.

So, actually moving the project is literally just a matter of moving the directory; if you have Documents\<you>\Unreal Projects\MegacoolGameThing and want it to be on your D: drive, you literally just grab the MegacoolGameThing directory and drag it or cut/paste it wherever you want it to be, just like any other directory.

Getting the Epic Launcher to see the project in its new home, however, is a bit more of a headache; it will only check the directories it’s been told to, and actually finding where to add new ones is… uh… we’ll go with “an adventure”.

Grabbing my own post from elsewhere on the forum…

So, by default, the launcher will ONLY see projects in the <Documents>\Unreal Projects\ directory. This is something I find deeply annoying.

Thankfully, there is a way to change it!

On Windows, you can navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Config\Windows\GameUserSettings.ini and open that in a text editor. You’ll see a line in the [Launcher] section like:

CreatedProjectPaths=C:/Users/<you>/Documents/Unreal Projects

If you have things in, say, D:\Source\AwesomeGameStuff, then you can change the file to read:

CreatedProjectPaths=C:/Users/<you>/Documents/Unreal Projects

Next time you run the launcher, et voila, it will also find any projects in D:\Source\AwesomeGameStuff.

On macOS, the file you want will be ~/Library/Preferences/Unreal Engine/EpicGamesLauncher/Mac/GameUserSettings.ini – the change is otherwise the same.

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Thank you for the reply. Believe it or not I actually found that post of yours earlier today and tried your solution but Unreal still would not recognize the project in the the launchers despite editing the .ini. I definitely learned to pay attention when creating a new project.

I’m coming across this problem too. As an added piece of information for anyone else who comes across this thread, I’ve found that every time I launch the Epic Launcher, it rewrites the CreatedDefaultPaths line in the GameUserSettings.ini file back to the default C: drive location. If anybody knows how to address this, that would be much appreciated!

The solution that worked for me, without editing GameUserSettings.ini, I found in this thread:

Simply launching the Unreal project from the .uproject file in the new directory seems to make the Epic Launcher recognize it as a valid project, and it now appears in my project library.

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I am just trying to resolve loading issues.
I tried before from SKU 19 to UE5.2 as datasmith did not connect
so turned into an FBX (it took 5hrs to write)
Yesterday installed the newest Twinmotion and
imported the file.
It installed and rendered well ( I haven’t added trees people and cars etc as I had them already in Lumion)
My ultimate need is to load the building into UE 5.2 or 5.4 ( I have installed both)
So I exported the datasmith to UE and all my textures loaded I was so happy
then wam bam as I am a newbie
I can’t see my building no where.
I loaded it into a 1st person (over the shoulder) module

My building is 18 storey above and under ground?
Where is is hiding? Or did Datasmith NOT bring the architecture within it’s export file?

SO I went and found this link
This only works with 5.1 ???
So after hours searching for the tiny arrow on the side of the big 5.3
finally found and installed 5.1 again.
NOW my question is will it connect to the latest Twinmotion or do I need to go back to an older
version and do the export datasmith file again?
AND is 5.1 compatible with datasmith export from the latest Twinmotion 2024 this May?
and IF it works can I then reload the file into 5.2 or 5.4?
I don’t want to step back to 5.1 now just because of this plugin ONLY wirking with that version

How to move project to a new drive

  1. Open project using Unreal Engine
  2. Click File
  3. Click Zip Project
  4. Choose new Path Directory
  5. Go to the new Path Directory
  6. Unzip project
  7. Open project