Correct way to Draw Line (not debug)


I would like to ask you if my blueprint script is correct for drawing lines (screenshot below), I would like to use it for production, but it says that Draw Line is Debug, what does it mean? That I shouldn’t use it for production? Because I want only simple line like Draw Debug Line, particle effect would be overkill for me, and I am quite happy with Draw Debug Line.

I just have one more question, why my line is blurry when moving?

I’m not 100% sure, but if you package your game as development, you can still do things like drawing Debug Lines, and Printing to Screen. Not if you package it as Shipping…

There is no simple method of drawing lines in 3d space. As goncasmage mentioned, if shipping mode is what you’re after, your debug nodes will not produce anything - unless something has changed recently, which is unlikely.

You can draw lines in 2d space. Either using widgets, or using HUD class’ special Event.

Alternatively, look into Rama’s Victory plugin - the debug nodes that you know are fully exposed there and may even come with extra features:

And yet another method (to do it in 3d) is to use Splines, not the most performant but it gives you a lot of flexibility over the way the lines look. Check out the last pic in this post and here:

And yet another way is to draw them in material. Somewhat complicated to set up but the results are decent. Good ratio of performance vs flexibility.

And particles, but you know that already.

So there is no “native” way in Unreal Engine to draw lines in 3D space for production? Only particle effect?

As far as blueprints are concerned, yes - there’s no easy way to draw quality 3d lines. Rama’s plugin allows for the debug nodes to work correctly if I remember right.

Only particle effect?

As I mentioned above, material and splines are the other options.

Okey, thank you.

watch this. How To Do Line Tracing Using C++ In Unreal Engine - YouTube

Splines? No. But the attached spline mesh components do. Currently trying to wrap this:

into a neat blueprint node…

Hello , You have mentioned using Rama plugin method.

But until now I can t find how to do it in my blueprint.

Can you help me ?

did you solve line problem?

Hint: Use FX systems like niagara, beam emitter very similar to a draw line node (If you can sucsess to set everything right)

if you’re only drawing straight lines (like the draw debug line) you could spawn a plane and stretch it from start to end point, some might consider it hacky, but it works.
For best results create a plane in blender or similar, and set the origin to one side of it, not in the center. then the distance between start and end can be the scale.
I recommend you make your plane 1m from 0 to positive X. so at 100 unreal units in distance it can be 1 in scale.

Then your line can use a flat color unlit material so it looks like the lines of the draw line node.