Correct way of using DataAsset for configuration

Hi all,

I’m having an hard time understanding how to properly use DataAssets in C++. I’m trying to configure a custom WorldSubsystem in it’s initialize method.

Theese are the steps I’ve done so far:

  1. Create a C++ class which inherits from UPrimaryDataAsset (which contains only 1 field)
class MYPROJECT_API UTimeSubsystemConfigDataAsset : public UPrimaryDataAsset

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Calendar")
	int32 DaysInMonth = 2;
  1. Created a Blueprint DataAsset which has my C++ class as Parent;

  2. Configured AssetManager in Project Settings->DataAsset manager

  3. Trying to load the dataAsset to configure my subsystem (Relevant code)

if(UAssetManager* AssetManager = UAssetManager::GetIfValid())
		FPrimaryAssetType Type = FPrimaryAssetType(FName("TimeSubsystem"));
		TArray<FAssetData> Assets;
		AssetManager->GetPrimaryAssetDataList(Type, Assets);
		if(Assets.Num() > 0)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("DATA ASSET FOUND"));

The AssetManager is initializated and valid but does not populate the Assets array.
Digging into debug I found that the GetPrimaryAssetDataList return false due to the line code in the image:

Am I doing it wrong? I feel like something is missing but I cannot see what’s wrong. The documentation is not so well documented (especially for non english speakers, but that’s my problem).

Any help would be really appreciated




Perhaps the data asset manager is initialized after game instance subsystems

Hi Natalo, thanks for your reply. Actually the AssetManager is initialized (the top-most IF on point 4 checks for the validity of AssetManager and return true).

Also my subsystem is not a GameInstanceSubsystem but a WorldSubsystem (I should have said it explicitly in my post, sorry)

Not an expert, but I believe that your custom UPrimaryDataAsset class needs to override the following function in order for the asset manager to handle it properly:
FPrimaryAssetId GetPrimaryAssetId() const override;

Here’s how I override on mine in the .cpp:

	return FPrimaryAssetId(ItemType, GetFName());

Hi @KelbyVP, thanks a lot! Once I overrided the GetPrimaryAssetId() method my DataAsset was successfuly found.

Thanks a lot!

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Glad it worked!