Correct skeleton hierarchy?

So I’ve created my own skeleton along with some animations and meshes. It all works fine (as far as I know) except in phat physics tool it just explodes, doesn’t generate constraints and just plain doesn’t work. I’ve tried many times create the bodies manually but it just does not work.

I think my issue is the way I have rigged my skeleton.

I use blender. I have set up the rig so that I have some control bones that allow me to control the animations using IKs. These control bones are also exported from blender to ue4. Below is a pic from phat showing my (incorrect?) hierarchy:

All parts that start CTR_ are control bones. All body_xxx are meshes. It is a robot. The rig uses separate meshes for each body part so I can remove and change them later.

How should a skeleton bone hierarchy look like so it works with phat? Is there any way to set up those phat bodies and constraints in blender?

I just wanted to add that I solved this. My issue was that when creating physics asset ue4 creates physics bodies for both the bones and meshes. So I had my bones setup correct all along but the bodies in meshes were causing weird issues. At least that what I think. My current skeleton is rigged little differently so it could be something else.