Corona Physical Material

Hello @Antoine_Guillo,

may I ask you, if we got support of coronaPhysical material in Datasmith 5.1 preview?

We really need it.

Another question: do you know where I can find some sort of info table with corona/vray materials and textures to know what exactly happening before/after conversion ?
Something like here:

Many thanks in advance !

Hi Oelg.R

Yes, the CoronaPhysical material support is in the Datasmith 5.1 preview 1.

Our upcoming documentation for 5.1 will have a table with what’s supported and what is not supported.

In the meantime, here’s a list of what is currently supported for 5.1


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Hello @Antoine_Guillo ,

thanks a lot for your fast and informative reply. This is very good news.
Will be also the same table of corona maps created?

It will really help us to know how to limit and develop the scenes from the beginning in 3dsmax & corona .

Thanks in advance

We currently support the following Corona maps :

CORONAAOCLASS Class_ID(0x26ea4249, 0x404b4b59)

CORONACOLORCLASS Class_ID(0x68426dca, 0x372362d4)

CORONANORMALCLASS Class_ID(0x2870ceaa, 0xcc18437c)

CORONABITMAPCLASS Class_ID(0xabba5784, 0x65484244)

There will be an extensive list of supported (not only Corona) maps with the documentation release.


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Hey all.

Are we finding this has fixed the issues importing Corona Materials? I’ve just tried to bring a project over using the 5.1.0 Preview 2, but it still has all the same problems as before.

Hello @Antoine_Guillo,

I have installed UE5.1+Datasmith 5.1 preview and was hoping that the conversion goes fine, but sadly it isn’t.

In my example, I have 4 Objects. Three of them have coronaLegacyMtl, one has CoronaPhysicalMtl.
At first, I got unsupported map errors :
Unsupported texmap “Map #2140070388” of type CoronaRaySwitch (0x26581a55-0x5e138d35)
Unsupported texmap “Map #9” of type Vertex Color (0x00934851-0x00000000)
Unsupported texmap “Map #12” of type CoronaFrontBack (0xabcd2067-0x8723545d)
Unsupported texmap “Map #218” of type CoronaMultiMap (0xbaba3487-0x30782624)

After importing in UE, I got lost a lot of textures (especially translucency and opacity), shadertree got messy etc…

Please, look at my images - you can see before/after:

If you can investigate my models, or you know who from Datasmith team can do this - please, let me know. I have all shader tree comparisons, 3ds max files etc.

I am really hoping that datasmith will be polished before UE5.1 goes final !

Best regards.

Hi Oleg !

Our Corona support is a first pass and is not covering all the maps yet, as I mentioned in my post above :

CORONAAOCLASS Class_ID(0x26ea4249, 0x404b4b59)

CORONACOLORCLASS Class_ID(0x68426dca, 0x372362d4)

CORONANORMALCLASS Class_ID(0x2870ceaa, 0xcc18437c)

CORONABITMAPCLASS Class_ID(0xabba5784, 0x65484244)

We’ll be working on improving texmap support in the future for sure.
I would suggest using supported texmaps in the meantime.

My DMs are open if you want to send me those 3dsMax files, but for I would not expect those maps you mentioned to be supported for the first final release of 5.1


Hello @Antoine_Guillo ,

I understand that for now most of the corona maps are not supported.
The main problem is that datasmith delete all the child nodes behind unsupported one.
It would be a lot better if Datasmith will skip unsupported nodes and convert child nodes, because right now we are loosing important textures.

Please, look at my attachments. These are shaders of the object from my previous post. On the left side is original corona renderer shader and on the right datasmith conversion result.


  • because of unsupported maps we got base color, specular, opacity and other important textures lost.
  • conversion results are overall too complicated, such shader is not easy-adjustable anymore. A lot of nodes causes performance hit.


  • because of unsupported map we got base color texture lost.
  • conversion results are overall too complicated, such shader is not easy-adjustable anymore. A lot of nodes causes performance hit.


  • because of unsupported map we got base color, opacity textures lost.
  • conversion results are overall too complicated, such shader is not easy-adjustable anymore. A lot of nodes causes performance hit.


  • in this shader we do not have any unsupported map but same time opacity texture got lost.

I have also converted the scene with maxtools to vray6, but sadly, the results are not much better…

Best regards

Hey Oleg_R,

Thanks for the detailed report !

Even bypassing the logic of unsupported nodes could prove a little tricky, as we don’t know what logic is applied in those nodes. We could import the supported texmaps and nodes that are tied to its inputs, but those would not be linked to the graph in UE and will need manual relinking after each import and reimport… Not optimal…

For now, removing those nodes/simplifying your material logic to not use unsupported nodes would be a temporary fix until we improve our material Translator.

Regarding that last issue with the Opacity map not being exported, this looks like a bug. We can have a look at it if you send us the .max files with those materials/textures.


Hey Antoine,

So it seems like datasmith / UE is still not a great option for corona :frowning:

Even just plugging maps in direct with no un supported nodes, it creates loads of different nodes like it used to (like Olegs images show)

Its not really worth even attempting to use materials like that and best just recreate them all from scratch, which can be a pain when everything in the archviz world gets daily changes and updates.

Would this be something we just need to wait on for future updates? And when would these updates be likely? Is this in active development?


Hi Make_Architects !

The 5.1 release of the Corona support is a first step to provide the basics.

The (potentially complex) nodes it creates are there to provide better accuracy when translating the material from the Corona Renderer to the Unreal Engine. While not being the cleanest solution, it gives our users a quick and easy result to bring their Corona materials to the Engine. It wont be perfect, but some users prefer this solution than making materials from scratch in the engine.

We are continually working on improving the support for Corona materials (5.1.1 will include a fix to the Opacity Mask issue mentioned by Olegs_R above for example).

New features and TexMap support would be for major releases of the engine (5.2, 5.3, etc…) and are still TBD.


Hello @Antoine_Guillo ,

I am also doing some other tests with corona physical material and really basic material setups:

  • all defaults
  • just diffuse, roughness and normal map
  • and nothing more. (for example to describe basic wood surface)

Right now Datasmith take always shader architecture itself into account and tries to translate all the internal options of physicalmaterial (legacyMtl\VrayMtl whatever) and as an result we get UE translated material which is not editable-friendly anymore…

what IF we had an option:

  • to keep all the translations (default behavior)
  • OR some sort of dev mode - just to use Datasmith as quick and safe transfer function to take all the best from Datasmith: keeping structure, meshes and shader names etc with leaving basic material as “placeholder” with textures connections only? Some sort of mode, when the user know that there is no magic and WILL polish the shaders, but without need to clean the structure for each material at first?

Best regards

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