I’ve spent more or less the entire day trying to figure out what I thought should theoretically be a fairly simple thing to modify. I’ve been trying to change the data in a PrimalStructure blueprint, and the main guinea pig I’ve been using is the Thatch Wall. I’ve gotten to the point where my core-data mod will let me learn the engram for my modified item, I can craft it at the modified values but I can’t place it in the game world. It will show the placement ghost for the modified wall, but that’s as far as it gets. It doesn’t place the wall, or consume the item from my inventory.
I did more digging, and thought I found a solution in subclassing the blueprint value for “Structure to Build” and changing the references in there to point to my modified wall item, but when I tried to place that item in the world it wouldn’t even show the placement ghost. Put it in my hotbar, pressed the hotkey to activate it and nothing happens. I know it’s something that can be changed and tweaked in a full map mod, but if it’s doable in a data override mod then I’m absolutely stumped.
Help pretty please? My mod idea is basically dead in the water without the ability to modify those blueprints.
Edit: Figured out the issue with the information contained in this thread GenericMod Questions - ARK: Survival Evolved - Unreal Engine Forums