I am planning to create a video game in the near future of which i will first try and handle the audio (if possible if not then propose the work to an experienced individual) and i have some questions.First how do I create my own logo what are it’s consequences and how does it work ? 2.I read about copyright and it mentioned what can be copyrighted in a game is it’s underlying code artwork audio artwork and expression of the idea of the game or at least that in my understanding does it mean that i don’t or am not allowed to copyright the code of Unreal engine 4 because it is already copyrighted and just copyright the art audio and idea ? 3.How much does copyright cost in a European country ? and I also read that if applied in one country copyright claim can be sought out to other countries as well without applying copyright of the game in these other countries as well ? 4.I would like to form a contract on behalf of my logo and consequently myself as it’s original creator to an or several animators for the creation of video type cutscenes along with audio management in case I cannot handle it myself and the addition of voice actors can i form a contract that gives them a percentage of collective earnings for every revenue collected 30 days (or how much the sales will go on for) after the product is released and distributed to the public until the game stops receiving revenue what i would like to know is does them working on my project make them a part of my logo (company or whatever) and will their work on the video game be of their own copyright or my logos and subsequently mine? 5.How long is it estimated to stay on the market ? I plan on releasing it on steam btw for pc only but with controller support 6.How will having these individuals working with me on my project for a promise via contract percentage of revenue from the released and marketed product work ? what are my obligations to them and what are their responsibilities to me ? 7.That is all i can think of for now please do inform me of other matters considering what i need to know to release my video game what i have to do for the people working on it with me or for me any info at all concerning making and selling the final product. Thank you and my apologies for such a tiring text.
Hey there Seodoa,
First I’m not a lawyer, in the US, nor any other country, hence this is just “layman’s” knowledge
Q1. Logo creation can be done very simply at many sites on the internet. What are the implications? Well if you wish to have the logo Trademarked, or as a ServiceMark, you would need to look into that as well.
Q2. As Epic Games has already copyrighted their Engine, you would not be allowed to copyright the engine, or any thing else that Epic provides (static meshes, art, etc), you will also be restricted by Epic Games, pursuant to the EULA, and any other documents that Epic Games may have as a condition of using the UE4 engine.
Q3. Copyright via the Berne Convention, occurs in two forms. Unpublished work, and Published work. The “Published Works” at least in the US have a much higher standing in Court. Especially if they are also backed up with an actual Copyright filing, etc.
Unpublished Works: Those works essentially where let’s say you have some source code for a program, and have put in some kind of Copyright statement. This is technically automatically copyrighted, via the Berne Convention again. Yet, in the US court’s, a judge is going, to not look on it, as being all that credible. You would still be better off, mailing a flash drive of the source, to yourself, via certified mail, and never opening the package at least. Unpublished can also mean you have never in any fashion sold the product your building.
Published Works: Those works that are available to the public for purchase, with the copyright statement prominently displayed, and all the rules about that as well. As well as an actual copyright filed, etc. This form of copyright protection is far stronger in the US.
As to a European Country, well that’s going to be two fold, in that is the European Country a member of the EU? This may or may not abrogate the laws of the Country even if it is a member of the EU, or one may have a higher standing in the Countries court system, if the Country’s laws are also followed as well as that of the EU.
You really need to talk to a lawyer in your country, concerning the rest of the questions.
Anyway, hope this helps,