Hello. I see this question has been asked before, but the terms of unreal engine have changed since GDC, so I thought I would ask again.
I have created and finished a small game in unreal. I only used blueprints, widgets, etc. Visual Basic wasn’t even installed on this machine. I used and modified some of the standard assets, such as the rock prop as well as some of the materials I modified and used as well. Some of the assets I made myself, such as a small model of a crystal shard and the icon I made in gimp.
Can I just post my project folder on github?
The top answer previously to this question was:
…Are you sharing this project with
other UE4 developers rather than the
public? If so, then you are fine to
share all of your assets and code.
If you intend to share with people who
are not already subject to the Unreal
Engine 4 EULA, then that would not be
Since unreal engine is now “free”, could I add an “only download this if you agreed to unreals EULA pls” disclaimer?
Essentially there’s no change to the EULA in that regard (even though the subscription fee went away); it’s easier to become a UE4 licensee, but there’s still a difference between UE4 licensees and the general public (and the EULA addresses those distinctions). You can’t share UE4 code with the general public still.
I know the answer is already there, but as i understand it, this means that Unreal Engine 4 users will never be able to use it for game jams such as Global Game Jam and Ludum Dare is that right?
Also, by ‘Unreal Engine 4 code’ you mean also user-created code to be used with Unreal Engine 4 in Github and other similar places?
I’m not familiar with the rules for Ludlum Dare, but GGJ is doable for UE4 licensees. Per their rules, you can omit third party engines from your submission.
And when I saw UE4 code, I mean code provided by Epic under your UE4 license. The same restrictions don’t apply to code that you write.
In both these game jams they usually ask for you to upload your game code and assets to Github or similar code hosting platforms.
If the licensee posts only the code he/she wrote and assets created during the jam, omitting engine code would it be allowed?
I mean, if the user posts only the Visual Studio solution, there would still be references to Unreal’s classes and methods, e.g. A user-created class that extends Actor or Pawn.
That’s my main doubt: to what extents a licensee can go without accidentally breaking the law. From your previous answers what i understood is:
You cannot simply post your full project, because that would include pre-generated code from UE4;
You can however post your own written code, i.e. the Visual Studio Solution created when you started your project.
I never saw UE4 entries in either of these jams and i think clarifying this question would encourage more people to use the engine there.
Again I can only speak for Epic and can’t speak for what will satisfy different game jam rules. But, as I understand for at least GGJ, it’s ok to upload your code/assets and omit engine code.
And yes, you can post your own written code including the Visual Studio solution, even with references to Unreal classes and methods.