Probably an idiotic question, but I’ve been looking for an answer for a real long time and haven’t found it :(.
I’m interested in the following: I take an object from the Content Browser and place it on the stage. For example, a mash of a wall. Then I need to “multiply” this piece to completely create, for example, the first floor of the house on the perimeter. How to copy is clear: ALT+LMB, CtrlV-CtrlC and so on. But… with these manipulations, the object is ALWAYS created as a clone, which together with the first object changes when overlaying materials, with any polygon transformations, etc. The question is how to create a copy of the object, which would be absolutely independent of the original. So that if I pull it, for example, along the X axis, the original would remain in its original form, and would not be pulled together with the copy?
It might be helpful to think of the wall that you place on the stage as not a wall, but as a position/rotation/scale (The concept of these 3 bundled together is called a “transform”) in space that points to a specific mesh.
So either changing the transform of this object will change the mesh without changing the original mesh. Or, you could duplicate the static mesh and make changes (with the modeling tools) if you just wanted to point to a different mesh without making any changes to the transform.
It’s a similar concept with materials. You can open the static mesh and change the material it uses, or you could assign a different material once the mesh is in the world.
Let me know if any of this is still unclear.
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Thanks a lot for the tip, I think I know where to look. I’ll give it a try. If I have any questions, can I contact you?

If you have more questions, post them in this thread.
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Here’s a question: I installed a window with glass. Glass separate mesh plane, on which I put the material “Glass” (it does not matter what, clean glass, dirty or rubbed glass), as a result, if you look from the outside\inside, there is such a distortion, the frame of the window begins to double. What material parameter should I look at and disable?

That sounds like ‘Refraction’ to me. You’d see it being used in the material graph.
The simplest implementation of glass would be to change the material’s Blend Mode to ‘Translucent’ and apply percentage (0.01-0.99) to “Opacity” (Hold 1 and click in the material graph to make a number)
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Again, thanks so much for the tip! It worked. I’ll tweak the Refraction parameters later. But it was this parameter that was the problem.