Copying Buffer from Compute Shader to Vertex Factory directly bypassing CPU

Is it possible to made Buffer that will fill inside Compute Shader and then pass it to Vertex shader(factory) without copying it to CPU and then again to GPU and do it directly. May be this buffer should be common for both shaders. I have SRV buffer created in Vertex Factory like this

MatrixBufferSB = RHICreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(FVector4f),  (BUF_Dynamic | BUF_ShaderResource), CreateInfo);
MatrixBufferSRV = RHICreateShaderResourceView(MatrixBufferSB,sizeof(FVector4f), PF_A32B32G32R32F );

So in my compute shader i declare it like this

SHADER_PARAMETER_UAV(RWStructuredBuffer<FVector4f>, Instancing_BoneMatrixBufferSRV)

and i thought do it like this

PassParameters->Instancing_BoneMatrixBufferSRV = RHICreateUnorderedAccessView(Params.AnimationInstanceVertexSceneProxy->MatrixBufferSRV,PF_A32B32G32R32F);

but it doesn’t work because of mismatch type
Should be UAV if i don’t want read it on CPU and pass directly to Factory. Or it should be but what properly type should i use to connect my MatrixBufferSRV with Instancing_MatrixBufferSRV