Copy Pose From Mesh does not work when source mesh is simulating physics

As in the title. It works with a master pose component however I can’t use that for my purposes. I fully expected my armour to be able to follow along with a ragdoll and I’m assuming it’s a bug.

Rotation from joints seems to be applied, or trying to apply, but they’re floating in the air while the character is lying on the ground.


I am having a hard time reproducing your issue. Can you post some screenshots, of what you are experiencing? I can then look into the problem further.

-Thank you


Due to the amount of time this thread has remained inactive, I will be closing it out. If you have any further questions regarding the topic above please feel free to reopen the thread, and I will get back to you.

-Thank you


Due to the amount of time this thread has remained inactive, I will be closing it out. If you have any further questions regarding the topic above please feel free to reopen the thread, and I will get back to you.

-Thank you

Hi! I’m really sorry it took me a while, been busy and my brain didn’t register the email notification and I forgot to reply :frowning: Here’s a quick clip showing the character going into ragdoll but because of this issue his armour can’t follow along:

You can see that the armour also follows rotations from the ragdoll, however the offsets aren’t applied or something.

Ignore his poorly deformed elbows, I just hadn’t setup retargetting at that point


How are you attaching the clothing/armor? Are they applied to the character through Blueprints, are the clothes animated, etc.? Also, do you have any plugins active? There is currently one that is for clothing, but is labeled as experimental. It is also common to attach items like this through sockets. Are there any of those keeping the clothing on the character? If you would like, you can also send me a test project and I can take a look at it.

-Thank you

The clothing/armour are skeletal mesh components attached to the mesh of the acharacter, no socket is used. The clothes currently have no extra animation, only running the copy pose from mesh node which uses the character mesh as the source. I have no plugins active. The clothing stays on the character until the character mesh is set to simulate physics.

Are the clothes parented to your character? Go into your character blueprint < Go into the viewport < See add component < Add your clothes(skeletal meshes) to this < Make sure they are parented to the character and not anything else. If you go in and set up sockets you can use the sections that is to the right(Details) under Sockets. This will make attaching things much easier. (This is still in the viewport section mentioned before) Sockets can be created in the skeleton and directly applied to it as well. This is what is usually used to make characters hold swords, shields, etc. I can link you my project so you can take a look at it. Disregard how I attached a small UE man to the character, it was just a easy way to use a skeletal mesh. Let me know if this helps.

-Thank you

Hi Ridley, apologies if this sounds a bit rude but I think you’re entirely misunderstanding the issue. The method you’re suggesting isn’t an alternative for what I’m doing and isn’t related to it either. Copy Pose From Mesh is a node in the anim instance that takes the bones with matching names and matches the animation applied to them.

Picture of my character’s skeleton:
Picture of his (left hand) glove’s skeleton:

The glove has every joint that the character’s skeleton has that is required to build the hierarchy leading to the left arm. The Copy Pose From Mesh node will take any joints with matching names and copy the animation from the character mesh to the glove.

The alternative way of doing this is using Set Master Pose Component, however that is not viable for me because the benefit of Copy Pose From Mesh, and the reason it was developed by Epic is that I can have joints that are not in the character’s skeleton with their own animation playing.

The problem I’m trying to present is that when the mesh is simulating, the motion is still being applied to the joints however they only rotate with them but don’t fall. You can see the armour (in the streamable clip I posted previously) is moving with the ragdoll, however it’s sitting in a different space. Some offset or what not is not being applied.

You can close this, I’m so sorry, the issue was entirely on my end. The problem happened because of this:

  1. Couldn’t get ragdoll to simulate properly with meshes
  2. Applied positional/rotational offset that mesh uses to subcomponents
  3. Got ragdoll working properly and didn’t remove the offset.

The offset was the problem. Sorry to waste your time!