Is it possible to just copy/paste a scene from one project to another.
Both scenes have same content (objects, mterials, textures, lensflares, controller, colliders…) its just that they have a different layout for the objects).
I know about the migrate tool but unfortunately, the migrate tool duplicates everything and all I want is just the .UMAP file.
The map file refers to all the assets in the scene. If you already have all the necessary assets ( in exactly the same place in the content browser ), it’s ok to just copy the umap file in windows explorer.
in the upper right panel, you can high light all the objects in a map you want to duplicate else where, just copy them.
they will be replicated in the new map exactly in the same spot u copied them, so I suggest moving them to the “ideal” place before copying them, you can do this afterwards too I guess, ur call. also once u have copied them over for the first time, they will all be highlighted, so its easy to move them all around if you want.
and then open the map you want to copy them in, click over in the upper right panel again and paste.
both maps must be in the same content folder for this to work, so u must migrate first if they are not, but u aready know how to migrate, so ur only seconds away from merging the maps.
hope this helps.
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