Copy part of character animation to another ???

How can I copy an animation of a character’s upper body to another animation sequence, for example, one animation has the hand waving animation for the upper body part in a sequence while the other sequence has an idle lower body part animation, now I want to copy the hand waving animation from the first animation sequence to the other animation sequence, leaving the lower body part animation for the idle animation sequence as it is, just the animation for the upper body will be added to the idle animation sequence, replacing the default idle animation for the upper body part ???

Try using layered blend per bone in the animation blueprint and for the bone put spine_01

Do you have any video tutorial related to this ???

Unfortunately I don’t but I can show you how to do it via a discord call if you want


what is your discord username ???

Sorry I just got home from work…my id is pranjal4873

I’ve sent you friend request…

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