I’ve been trying to copy and paste binding from one level sequence to another, and this has been working great for most things, however I came upon a problem when trying to copy and paste Material Parameter Collections. The tracks don’t have binding IDs and therefore can’t be copied using the method that I have been using. I have got around this in the past by copying and replacing the entire level sequence, but this obviously is destructive and not ideal.
To reproduce this issue you only need to create a level sequence that has a spawnable light or other object and then also has an MPC in it, and then create a blank level sequence and try and copy the bindings from one to the other.
Here is an example of the blueprint that I am using to do this basically I am finding the path based on a tool I have developed and then getting the level sequence asset and grabbing all bindings and pasting them into the open level sequence. MPC’s don’t copy over, but everything else seems to.
If anyone knows how to copy/paste tracks that don’t seem to have a binding ID in BP or Python I would love to know.