Copy and paste attributes in components editor. Also make duplicate actually duplicate.

It’s never been very intuitive the component section of a class but I noticed in newest version when you duplicate something it now becomes a child in the component tree of the thing you duplicated. This is then sends it out into space somewhere with a ridiculous relative transform. This is hardly “duplicating” this is creating a child of the thing you wanted to duplicate. At least before it would duplicate in the same position but with generic name and drop to the bottom of the tree. Now if you want something in the same transform but slightly to the right. You can dupe it but then you gotta manually drag it to the root, then copy every attribute from the one you duped it from to get it in the right position. Then you can drag it slightly to the right or wherever you wanted it.

Which is the next request. Would be nice to copy and paste attributes like location or rotation or transform altogether.

**Edit: ** actually realized you CAN copy attributes by right clicking on them in the details of the component. Literally clicking on the black space around “location” etc. Not obvious… wish I’d discovered this many moons ago. There still seems to be a problem with duplicating now.