Copy All Properties in Category - pasting works but then does not

I am using the “Copy All Properties in Category” of the Slot (Canvas Panel Slot) on a Border widget in my UI. I paste it into another Border of another canvas and it will paste all of the parameters perfectly and it looks great.

Once I click on something else the widget I pasted the properties into will jump back to its original location. This is happening on other widgets like buttons, and images. Is there something I am doing wrong with the pasting? I am using the SHIFT+RMB and SHIFT+LMB, as well as right clicking and selecting the options as well, but both have the same result.

Is there something that would cause this? or am I maybe trying to use this in the wrong place? any help would be appreciated. I know I can do it manually but if I could get it to work it would just be more convenient and save time in the long run.


I have this same issue too…
