Cooking Pot issues (Custom food)


I’m attempting to make a mod that allows the player to create specific food items within the cooking pot, the same way you would go about creating Sweet Vegetable Cakes, by adding the required resources and igniting the pot. However, while the Sweet Vegetable Cake works as intended, my custom food item won’t. I am able to spawn in my item and it functions correctly, it just doesn’t create within the cooking pot, unlike the Sweet Vegetable Cake.

I thought it was something related to the item I created a child of (Sweet Vegetable Cake), so I grabbed the parent of the Sweet Vegetable Cake, “PrimalItemConsumableEatable_BuffingSoup”. Though, this ended up resolving nothing and the same issue persisted. In hindsight, this was never going to work but I was desperate. I am quite inexperienced within the Dev Kit.

Thank you for any assistance, or even just reading.