Cooking/Packaging Errors and warnings

Hey all,

I’ve been wracking my brain these last few days trying to figure out why I’m starting to get these warnings and errors appear in my project.

PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load PE_FireTrail_GEN_VARIABLE with outer BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Assets/Equipment/Luca_Items/SimpleStaff/blueprints/BP_StaffTest.BP_StaffTest_C because its class (NiagaraComponent) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NawalaVisual_Niagara_GEN_VARIABLE with outer BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Characters/Player/BluePrints/BP_LucaPlayer.BP_LucaPlayer_C because its class (NiagaraComponent) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NPS_JumpingParticle_GEN_VARIABLE with outer BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Characters/Player/BluePrints/BP_LucaPlayer.BP_LucaPlayer_C because its class (NiagaraComponent) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NPS_MudSlide_GEN_VARIABLE with outer BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Characters/Player/BluePrints/BP_LucaPlayer.BP_LucaPlayer_C because its class (NiagaraComponent) does not exist
PackagingResults: Error: ParseObjectPropertyValue Error: RequiredMetaClass is null, for property: ObjectProperty /Game/GameComponents/Struct_NiagaraUserParameters.Struct_NiagaraUserParameters:Component_12_B1674D0848E5F061956C91A4B32F4954
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ParticleSystem_GEN_VARIABLE with outer BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Assets/Items/Essence/BP_Essence_Master.BP_Essence_Master_C because its class (NiagaraComponent) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load Scale Alpha.FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:DirectionalBurst.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_0 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve001_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_1 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve004_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_10 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve003_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_11 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ScaleSpriteSize_Uniform_Curve_Sprite_Scale with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_6 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_8 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve002_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks.NPS_BreakSparks:Ring_2.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_9 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NPS_BreakSparks with outer Package /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/Niagara_test/NPS_BreakSparks because its class (NiagaraSystem) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load Scale Alpha.FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPS_SimpleSparks.NPS_SimpleSparks:DirectionalBurst.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_0 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_4 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPS_SimpleSparks.NPS_SimpleSparks:DirectionalBurst.SpawnScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_4 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPS_SimpleSparks.NPS_SimpleSparks:DirectionalBurst.UpdateScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NPS_SimpleSparks with outer Package /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPS_SimpleSparks because its class (NiagaraSystem) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NPSE_Essence with outer Package /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence because its class (NiagaraSystem) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_10 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve003_FloatCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_7 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_4 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.SpawnScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_5 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.SpawnScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_4 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.UpdateScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve_5 with outer NiagaraScript /Game/Assets/FX/Particles/NPSE_Essence.NPSE_Essence:Empty.UpdateScript because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load CoreParameters with outer Package /Niagara/ParameterDefinitions/CoreParameters because its class (NiagaraParameterDefinitions) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load MeshRenderer with outer Package /Niagara/ParameterDefinitions/MeshRenderer because its class (NiagaraParameterDefinitions) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load RibbonRenderer with outer Package /Niagara/ParameterDefinitions/RibbonRenderer because its class (NiagaraParameterDefinitions) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load SpriteRenderer with outer Package /Niagara/ParameterDefinitions/SpriteRenderer because its class (NiagaraParameterDefinitions) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NormalizedExecutionIndex with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/NormalizedExecutionIndex because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ReturnNormalizedExecIndex with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/Execution/ReturnNormalizedExecIndex because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load Multiply_Float with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/Multiply/Multiply_Float because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load MakeVector with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/TypeConversions/MakeVector because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load RandomRangeFloat with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/UniformRange/V2/RandomRangeFloat because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load NiagaraDataInterfaceColorCurve_1 with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Niagara/DynamicInputs/ValueFromCurve/ColorFromCurve.ColorFromCurve:NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_38 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceColorCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ColorFromCurve with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/ValueFromCurve/ColorFromCurve because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load DefaultCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Niagara/DynamicInputs/ValueFromCurve/FloatFromCurve.FloatFromCurve:NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_67 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FloatFromCurve with outer Package /Niagara/DynamicInputs/ValueFromCurve/FloatFromCurve because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ScaleSpawnCountCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Niagara/Modules/Emitter/EmitterState.EmitterState:NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_2 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load EmitterState with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Emitter/EmitterState because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load SpawnBurst_Instantaneous with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Emitter/SpawnBurst_Instantaneous because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load RandomRangeFloat with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/RandomRangeFloat because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load SpawnRate with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Emitter/SpawnRate because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load SolveForcesAndVelocity with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Solvers/SolveForcesAndVelocity because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load InitializeParticle with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Spawn/Initialization/V2/InitializeParticle because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load LatheCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Niagara/Modules/Spawn/Location/V2/ShapeLocation.ShapeLocation:NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_1 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load LatheCurve with outer NiagaraNodeInput /Niagara/Modules/Spawn/Location/V2/ShapeLocation.ShapeLocation:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeInput_1 because its class (NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ShapeLocation with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Spawn/Location/V2/ShapeLocation because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load DirectionAndLengthSafe with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/DirectionAndLengthSafe because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load TransformVector with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/Localspace/TransformVector because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load FindQuatBetween with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/Rotation/FindQuatBetween because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load MatrixToQuaternion with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/Rotation/MatrixToQuaternion because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load MultiplyQuaternion with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/Rotation/MultiplyQuaternion because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load CalculateRandomRange with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/V2/CalculateRandomRange because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load RandomQuaternion with outer Package /Niagara/Functions/Rotation/RandomQuaternion because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist
PackagingResults: Warning: Unable to load ApplyRotationVector with outer Package /Niagara/Modules/Solvers/ApplyRotationVector because its class (NiagaraScript) does not exist

And many more. It’s obviously something to do with the Niagara Particle system I am using.

  • Some extra context. I originally came from 5.2 and updated my project to 5.4.2.

  • My game crashed un-expectedly when play testing in the PIE

  • When opening it back, it kept giving me non-stop crash reports to send to Epic talking about ’ [Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0000000x00000000] which I know is not helpful. I can provide the crash report if needed, but I feel it doesn’t show much going on.

  • I read on the forums that I should clear my DDC, and other folds in my project (i.e. 'Binaries, Build, DDC, Intermediate, and a few specific files within the ‘saved’ folder).

  • I also jumped into my AppData folder and deleted the entire 5.4 folder based on this topic here - Folders safe to delete to recompile everything - #2 by L1z4rD89

  • The compiling ends with a ton of these errors:
    PackagingResults: Error: begin: stack for UAT
    PackagingResults: Error: === Critical error: ===
    PackagingResults: Error: Fatal error!
    PackagingResults: Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffffc7d4df0 UnrealEditor-AnimGraph.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffffc71f974 UnrealEditor-AnimGraph.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffffc745b64 UnrealEditor-AnimGraph.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8a13a8a62 UnrealEditor-Kismet.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8a13ae90f UnrealEditor-Kismet.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8a13acc87 UnrealEditor-Kismet.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b182a570 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1b62e9f UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1b8c2cd UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1b61564 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1b6333b UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1b8d299 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
    PackagingResults: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff8b1dcc8b2 UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction

  • I’ve tried to re-create a few Niagara Particle system, but the error still identifies the new NPS

  • I’ve tried to replace the ‘Struct’ outlined in the error as well, replacing all dependencies, but this didn’t work either.

  • I’ve checked the 'Plugin’s folder where all the Niagara scripts are, and I can clearly see the identified missing scripts there (i.e. the NiagaraDataInterfaceCurve):

  • One time, I closed the game, and re-opened it, and I couldn’t even open the NPS because it was missing references.

  • The game works flawlessly in the PIE, and it sonly when I try to cook/package the game is where I get these errors.

  • Here are the error reports when I first load the game;

Hopefully this is enough information to help out, but please let me know if you need any more from me, always happy to provide info to fix these issues.


ok, so I think I solved it!

Basically opened a fresh project, disabled the Niagara systems (including all it’s dependency plugins), and then re-enabled them again. I closed that project, and re-opened my actually game project, and it works! Besides a few minor errors, I’m back on track!

I’m not entirely sure what I did wrong, but it seemed like some of the core scripts from Niagara went missing somehow!

Thanks everyone

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