Cooking Failed For any project

I can’t seem to cook any project due to the unknown error… I also try thew new project such as third person blueprint or something but the same error will be given… Please help


ERROR: NOTE: Please ensure that 64bit
Tools are installed with DevStudio -
there is usually an option to install
these during install


You are attempting to compile on a
machine that does not have a supported

Do you run a 64 bit windows? If not, that’s probably your issue.

Otherwise looks like UE4 can’t find the compiler or you don’t have one installed. I would try to reinstall Visual Studio. Make sure you select Visual C++ during install (not selected by default).

Yes I’m running a Window 7 64 bit… Visual Studio right… I will reinstall again and give feedback later

Ok now its works… I just need to reinstall the visual studio… thanks ^^