Cooking: Error local file :format is not compressed

:slight_smile: ello,

Anyone have ever encoutered this ?
So i go from 5.3 to 5.4 and when i cook or package i have now this

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogZenSerialization: Error: Local file ‘:?#:22208’ format is not compressed
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogZenSerialization: Error: Local file ‘:?#:21916’ format is not compressed

i know the file it’s one mesh, a big one which is my background landscape static mesh.
I don’t understand how to fix the issue beside deleting the mesh from the map, if i do this it work.
But of course i want that mesh !

Chat GPT is no help at all,
Clearing cache doesn’t work.

Thanks !:slight_smile:

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I have the same issue! How did u find out it’s a specific mesh?

First of all i think is a good idea to put in project settings the list of maps to cook (by default ue builds all the maps afaik…)

After that you can try to cook/package one map at time (that’s helping me rn to understand wich map has the issue)

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I figured out! :heartbeat:

This was my log:

LogConsoleManager: Skipping CVar r.Streaming.PoolSize=1000 while visiting another platform, because it was already visited with a higher priority
LogZenSerialization: Error: Local file ':?#:26780' format is not compressed
LogDerivedDataCache: Display: ZenLocal: Invalid response received from GetCacheRecords RPC: 1 results expected, received 0, from POST http://[::1]:8558//z$/$rpc -> 200
LogStaticMesh: Display: Building static mesh johnny (Required Memory Estimate: 644.841481 MB)...
LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting for static meshes to be ready 0/1 (/Game/Characters/Johnny/johnny) ...
LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [2.74s] /Game/Characters/Johnny/johnny.johnny

Turned out that my character mesh wasn’t available into the cache (see the rpc call), so i opened the mesh and did the reimport from base mesh.


Hi !

I find out the file was this one by deleting parts of the maps and cooking for a few hours until it match with the error !

By the way i did your method and it work ! Problem was for me i don’t have the base mesh to reimport. So i just exported the mesh from unreal on my desktop, then reimported it again and now it cook !

Thanks :slight_smile:


Alternate fix that worked for me, since I wasn’t able to narrow down to a specific problem asset:

Create a new cache for the project, by opening Editor Prefs → General - Global and setting the Project Local DDC Path

I restarted the editor and packaged, which now works as expected

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I am finding it impossible to detect which Static mesh is giving me the error.
Could you tell me exactly how do I find out what they are? Since it seems that you can not search in any way those files directly in the folders.

I have thought about removing all the objects from the map until it works.