Hello friends, it’s me again.
After a lot of headaches I was able to fully localize my game to Chinese, Arabic and Portuguese, besides the default English. I am also able to change languages through my custom game launcher
Everything was working perfectly until I tried to cook the game, cook all the maps.
I know that cooking content is more for consoles, since on PC, UDK can run uncooked content also. However, at least for my old Vaio Notebook, loading cooked content is almost 5x faster than loading the uncooked content. But the problem is that it seems the way UDK Engine handles localization of binary files, the upk trick of just adding a sufix on the package name with the language code, like UDKFrontEnd_CHN (UDK | LocalizedTextFiles), for the engine load the correct upk file according the language selected, it seems to only work with uncooked content. I select all languages I want to cook in the UnrealFrontend.exe, however it only copies the localization folders with the *.int files, but it does not copy, in example, these localized packages (UDKFrontEnd_CHN.upk). I even tried to manually copy these localized packages to the CookedPC folder, but it does not work, no matter what I do, the engine simply does not load these localized assets.
But if I keep the maps uncooked, it works perfectly. But as I said, there are 2 problems. The game’s file size will be much bigger than the cooked game, and the loading time will be higher.
By the way, each time the game loads an uncooked map, it runs the UnrealShaderCompilerWorker.exe to compile shaders and this process, at least on my computer, takes too long.
So my question is, if I release my game with uncooked assets, how can I make the loading of each map faster, mainly avoid the compiling of shaders each time the game runs?