cooked game, and closing gamewindow after playing?


This might be a extremely silly question, but how do I close a cooked game after playing?

The ‘mouse focus’ will be inside the game window, so it’s impossible to click the close button.
Pressing the Esc key or anything will not work. Popping up the Start Menu will unlock the mouse, so it’s possible now to close the game window.

It this something that you have to create, like the mouse controls? If so, can someone point me to some docs or tut, as I cannot seem to find anything on this…




I’ve quit my cooked game by creating a button on my custom HUD class.

On event click, I make a “Execute Console Command” node in my macro library which is called by my custom HUD class, then type in “quit” in the command node.

Hope this helps you.


Thanks for that! I didn’t really looked into the HUD thing, but will do now.

I find it a bit odd that a simple quit isn’t really in the default game window.



Edit: for a basic ‘quit on ESC’ it seems to be even simpler :slight_smile:
Add a input action in the project settings, and in your level BP link this node up to a ‘quit game’ node.

Again, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!