Cook Failed with VRM4U Plugin

Hey guys!
Hoping someone can give me some help. I cannot cook a pratically empty project using the “VRM4U” plugin. It’s basically the ThirdPerson template with the plugin inside. Pretty weird!

Describe the bug
Missing content/problem on COOK process.

Screenshots, log
Warnings/errors on project load (maybe helps):
error on start.txt (1.1 KB)

Warnings/errors on Cook command:
cooklog.txt (280.6 KB)

Highlight from my side, what maybe is the issue:

PackagingResults: Error: Content is missing from cook. Source package referenced an object in target package but the target package was marked NeverCook or is not cookable for the target platform.

and this

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /VRM4U/Util/Actor/latest/ABP_VRoidPostProcess.ABP_VRoidPostProcess_C:AnimGraphNode_LiveLinkPose’. Unknown structure.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogCook: Error: Content is missing from cook. Source package referenced an object in target package but the target package was marked NeverCook or is not cookable for the target platform.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Source package: /VRM4U/MaterialUtil/SampleMI/MI_VRM4U_Unlit
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Target package: /Engine/EditorMeshes/ColorCalibrator/T_ColorGrid
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Referenced object: /Engine/EditorMeshes/ColorCalibrator/T_ColorGrid.T_ColorGrid

UnrealEngine Version:
5.4.1 (compiled from source, NO modifications)

Additional context
Complete new project, ThirdPerson example. C++ project.
Plugin-> VRM4U_5_4_20240530 (latest)
Plugin saved directly on Project->Plugins -----(not on Engine)----

Thanks everyone for any insight! =D

So, the owner of the plugin answered about the issue:

Cook Process Failed · Issue #381 · ruyo/VRM4U (

Delete the assets in the “latest” folder before creating PKG.

It worked flawless! Hope that help the others.

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