I’ve got a cook error when trying to package my build in 5.4.4 (built from source with the added GDK_5.4.4-release), I’ve tried packaging for both Windows and XSX and am getting an error to do with Shaders.
Looking through the logs this seems to be the culprit:
LogShaders: Error: Shader debug info dumped to: ".../Unreal Projects/TESTPROJECT/Saved/ShaderDebugInfo/SP_XSX_SM6/Global/FCalculateShadingRateImageCS/5"
.../UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Shaders/Private/VariableRateShading/VRSShadingRateCalculate.usf(): Shader FCalculateShadingRateImageCS, Permutation 5, VF None:
Precompilation failed - XBSC Compile Error: Broken function found, compilation aborted!
The error is in VRSShadingRateCalculate.usf(): Shader FCalculateShadingRateImageCS.
Used a different GDK specifically 2023.10-GDKXUpdate3-10.0.25398.1924 the one I used above wasn’t within the MinRequired=230305, MaxRequired=231003 GDK’s to use for GDK_5.4.4-release.
Careful though as I also tried building with 2023.06-GDKX-10.0.22621.4272 and a few others which were within the required versions however they also spat out the error, safest bet if you get this error is to use the GDK I specified 2023.10-GDKXUpdate3-10.0.25398.1924.