Cook error "Unknow structure" after updating to UE4.25


I’ve update my project from UE4.24 to UE4.25 but all structures from the PlayFab are “Unknown” in packaging, but not inside the blueprint (I won’t get any compile errors!). I already deleted all Intermediate, Binaries or saved folders, tried to use the “Refresh all nodes” function in the bp editor or recreated all structure usages, but nothing worked. Do you have an idea how to fix this?

Thank you very much and best regards

I am also having this error as well. I know version 4.25 has some big issues with structs at the moment but it seems every time I re-package my project I have this error.

i just had the same issues, and after some tries, the solution i found is to refresh the nodes :

so depending on the error you often have a method impacted ( of i guess the event graph if no methods )

  1. select all nodes there => right
    click refresh
  2. compile and save
  3. restart the editor ( not sure if
    needed but as i had the error on
    start, it was my way of checking if
    it was fixed )

that could be a very
time consuming job for some struct /
project but at least i can keep

Hi, I have a similar problem with the engine blueprint BP_SunPosition in UE 4.26.1. After every cook, package or opening the project I have to fix this blueprint. Cook and package fail always.
Have you a solution?