Cook/Build Failed

I’ve NEVER been able to successfully build/package in any configuration, but until now it hasn’t been a problem. I’ve got most of the core game mechanics in place, and I’m ready to package it out to deploy on my test machines, but I cannot get any successful builds. It appears that most errors are coming from a crapload of assets I don’t even use (and I’ve removed all map files that are not being used). I’m getting extremely frustrated now. I’ve wasted way too much time on something that should be relatively quick and automatic. I have NO idea what is going on. I’ve already spent the last two hours going through and saving literally HUNDREDS (maybe thousands, who knows…) of assets that I don’t even use because the earlier log files said they needed to be resaved.

Anyway, any help or pointers would be appreciated and needed! I’m stuck now.


Here’s the link to the file on my Google Drive:

The file on my Google Drive is the cook log file, not my project file. Just wanted to make that clear.

This is just a small sample of what I’m trying to sort out. I’ve already refreshed all nodes in all my BPs, still can’t clear these:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-04.35.59:588][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_17373 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.Labyri
nthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_17373.EdGraphPin_113812. Try refresh all nodes.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-04.35.59:589][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.Labyri
nthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164.EdGraphPin_121659. Try refresh all nodes.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-04.35.59:589][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.Labyri
nthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164.EdGraphPin_121660. Try refresh all nodes.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-04.35.59:590][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164.EdGraphPin_121661. Try refresh all nodes.

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:803][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: Asset ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/UEProjects/HMM/Content/FirstPerson/Meshes/FirstPersonProjectileMesh.uasset’ has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:803][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FPWeapon/Mesh/SK_FPGun’
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:804][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FPWeapon/Mesh/SK_FPGun’: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FPWeapon/Mesh/SK_FPGun’
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:804][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /Game/FPWeapon/Mesh/SK_FPGun.SK_FPGun’
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:804][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogRedirectors:Warning: String Asset Reference ‘/Game/FPWeapon/Mesh/SK_FPGun.SK_FPGun’ was not found!
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.02.27-05.08.43:804][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/StarterContent/Props/Materials/M_StatueGlass.M_StatueGlass for platform PCD3D_SM4, Default Material will be used in game.

This is the kind of crap I don’t understand… I don’t even USE any of this stuff! Why am I getting errors about this stuff?? And I’d love to be able to go in one by one and remove any references to these, but I have no idea where the references are coming from since THEY ARE NOT USED ANYWHERE! (Sorry for sounding like I’m getting annoyed here, but I’M GETTING REALLY ANNOYED HERE!) I just need to get this cleared up so I can move on to the next phase. I don’t have time to be dealing with crap like this.

In the nodes that you’re having issues with, such as /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode - can you open those Blueprints and go File->Refresh all nodes

That worked for me once. No idea how it gets in this state.

I’ve already done that on every single blueprint I have. Events, Functions, Macros, everything. I’m leaving no stone left unturned, but it’s still not helping. Right now I’m trying to copy out the few assets that are still in use from the starter content and the infinity blade effects and delete the rest, but that’s not really working either.

Appreciate the suggestion, though. :slight_smile:

Some folders from the market place may sometimes be misspelled, be sure the the spelling is correct for everything. If a single folder is misspelled then it gives you an unknown error, check folder names not asset names

Only market place content I have is the Infinity Blade Effects. Just got done creating a new project and migrating over to that then cleaning out my original and copying back. Repackaging now to see what happens. Darn! Just completed… FAILED again. So annoyed with this.

Here’s the newest log file for the build. I’ve finally managed to get it down to 16 errors and 1 warning. But I’m unable to figure out what’s up with the errors since they use cryptic names like “/Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_17373.EdGraphPin_113812” and “/Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_19164.EdGraphPin_121659” Anyway, both of these are apparently in my LabryinthGameMode Event Graph, but I’ve refreshed all the nodes in there, like, a hundred times by now. No difference, and everything in there compiles and saves just fine, and the game plays just fine.

Sorry you did say that :slight_smile:

All I can think of is backing up your project, and clearing out the LabyrinthGameMode Blueprint as that’s the one it’s complaining about and see if that works.

If that works… get a previous version from source control, remake it (ugh…) or concentrate on fixing it.

Not really sure what else you can try at the moment.

Just another interesting piece of information:

I’ve been going through and trying to just rebuild my LabyrinthGameMode blueprint to see if this clears it (I can see the errors if I refresh with the output log window open) but, funny thing is: as I’m going through and removing and re-adding the nodes to it, I’m getting MORE errors like this. Ugh!

LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_9285 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_9285.EdGraphPin_224865. Try refresh all nodes.
LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node: K2Node_CallFunction /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_9284 keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGameMode.LabyrinthGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_9284.EdGraphPin_55113. Try refresh all nodes.

etc…etc…etc…Up to 11 now, I think. Used to only have 4 originally. For some reason, though, I think this may have something to do with the little redirection thingys that you can place to reroute the lines in the blueprints. I seemed to get a couple new errors when I removed a few of those. But I don’t have specific confirmation of this. In any case, I’m worse off than when I started. Still chugging along at it, though. Looking for answers.


Earlier I had decided to delete everything in my LabyrinthGameMode BP and do a refresh all nodes and, of course, didn’t get the errors. But I got thinking about this, so I did it again, but did a “cook for Windows”, and it finished [mostly] successfully… Complaining only about the lack of an executable.

So, just for fun I decided to do a Windows 64-bit production build (to get an executable) which did finish successfully (yay!(ish)) since I didn’t have anything at all in my Game Mode BP to cause any errors right now.

But get this: I went to my staging folder to play my severely broken game (since all my state switching and game logic and stuff is in that mode BP that I completely deleted all the nodes from.) BUT MY GAME PLAYED ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY??? WTH???

I’m REALLY at a loss with this. I can’t celebrate, because it’s by no means fixed… I’ve got an empty BP that should NOT be doing this, but I just had to share my extremely strange anomaly.

Okay, I managed to fix this, and this is what I’ve done which ultimately led to the solution:

I have my LabyrinthGameMode which kept giving me the cryptic errors as shown above with the pins. As I had posted above, I highlighted and deleted all the BP nodes from this (in one fell swoop) and did another refresh all nodes, to which there were, of course, no errors since there weren’t any nodes to have errors. (Well, not entirely true… I DID leave the RED event nodes there so that my other BPs wouldn’t error out, but those were all that were in here.)

For fun, I did a cook for Windows, which worked (since there weren’t any of these errors anymore), but failed because there wasn’t an executable.

SOOOOO… I did a Package Project->Windows->64-BIT again, and this time it went through without a problem. Just for fun I decided to play the executable that was built just to see how pathetic and broken my game was with an empty LabyrinthGameMode only to be shocked and amazed to discover that the game actually played perfectly.

Back in my LabyrinthGameMode BP I did a CTRL+Z to undo the delete I did earlier, then compiled and saved again. And this time the refresh nodes didn’t give me any errors.

I tried another Windows Package, and, again, this one went through (and played) flawlessly.

Don’t really know what was the key, but this was what I did and it’s working now. I’m VERY happy about this! I can finally take my game to my other PCs and playtest the heck out of it. (Oh no! I have to PLAY?? Awwwww… Well, if I MUST…) :slight_smile:

Glad you got this working! But… What the hell???

I have absolutely NO clue! LOL! But that’s what I did.