Converting Skeletal Mesh to Static Mesh and replacing them


I have some skeletal meshes imported from Anima. But I need them to be static so I can bake a light map. How can I convert the skeletal mesh characters in my scene to a static mesh using their current transformation?


This work?

Skeletal Mesh to Static Mesh Conversion | Unreal Engine Documentation

Really annoying that this documentation is out of date for UE5 and UE5.1 as it’s showing the documentation for UE4 which doesn’t work, there is no option on right mouse click. I could do with a way of converting multiple skeletal meshes at once but I can’t find it. I have way too many skeletal meshes in my imported asset to do it one by one.

If you do want to do it one by one, the way I’ve found that works in UE5.1 is to browse to the skeletal mesh in the content browser, double click on it, at the top of the screen there’s an option to convert it to a static mesh, it will ask you for a location to save it. Once saved, go to the new mesh in the content browser and select it, then go back to the viewport, right click on the skeletal mesh in the scene and select the ‘replace actor with’ option, you’ll see the one you have selected as an option, choose this and it will replace it. Hope this helps someone.

If anyone knows how to convert multiple ones at once, please comment!

Simply put - what is asked by the OP is just not possible.

Characters / skeletal meshes have no need for lightmap UVs, as such, you’d be hard pressed in finding anyone who includes a lightmap viable UV in their character meshes.

So, even if you go throguh the process one mesh at a time, and even if you attempt to have the engine generate a lightmap uv for you, chances are you just won’t get very good light baked results…

If light baking is the end goal, convering meshes in engine is probably not a viable solution…