Converting metahuman from skeletal to static mesh issues

Trying to convert metahuman models to static meshes generates this (attached pic):

If I get closer to the 3D model, the mesh changes and looks okay, but the materials are messed up.

Any ideas on how to solve this? or any leads on the reasons?
PS: new to UE.

Thanks in advance.

I ran into the same issue. Was there a way to solve this?

Unfortunately, I didn’t find a solution to this. What I did was a workaround:
I exported the static mesh to Blender and cleaned it.
I imported it back again in UE and I disabled the static mesh’s rendering and positioned it at the same location to keep the skeletal mesh’s visuals… This was sufficient for my use case.

i have this issue as well, did you manage to find any answers as to why it’s happening ?