Converting level to world partition issue.

I have a level in my project (UE 5.2.1) which contains a landscape. The landscape is created in the landscape mode using these settings:

I need to convert my level to world partition. I used the “Convert level” button from “Tools” with default conversion settings.
When my new WP level opens up the whole landscape and all actors are loaded. When I unload all the cells from the WP tab the whole landscape is still there but the actors are unloading.

When I play the game the cells around my FPP character are not loading or unloading.
When I use the “wp.Runtime.ToggleDrawRuntimeHash2D” command, no debug image is showing. It only shows me the legend which says there are 19 loaded cells at all times no matter where I go or what runtime settings I change.

What am I doing wrong? When you convert a level, the landscape proxies and actors will have “is spatially loaded” turned on so that’s not it.

I can’t find a fix for this anywhere.