Converting BSPs to Blocking Volumes needs geometry building

  1. Put some BSP actor (Box, Cone, Cylinder…)
  2. Convert to Blocking Volume by Detail → Actor → Convert Actor combo box
  3. Unexpected surfaces remaind in View Port Window

I can touch these surfaces, but they are not in World Outliner.

These unexpected surfaces have been gone by using the following commands:

  • Put some new BSP actor
  • Build → Build Geometry

I tested three versions:

  • 4.7.6 on windows 10: works fine (no unexpected surfaces)
  • 4.8.3 on windows 10: :frowning:
  • 4.9.2 on windows 10: :frowning:

Hi ,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • Do you have “Update BSP Automatically” checked to true or do you have it set to only update BSPs on build?

Hi ,

Thank you for your comment.

  • I see this issue in a new blank project.
  • I use default setting like the following screenshot.

I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-22439, to be assessed by the development staff.

Thank you!