Converting Blueprints project to C++ project?

I’ve found a couple of posts(1, 2) around about how to turn a blueprints project into a C++ project. The first one seems like a cheap hack that might not fully work, and the second one sounds like it does, but it’s two hours long and a lot of the solutions I’ve seen just amount to adding some C++ to a blueprint project. Usually, my solution would be to just start over. But, this project has two years worth of work behind it, and it’s not mine. What’s the best way to convert a project to C++ to have access to full engine features?

Blueprint is a c++ visual interface you shouldnt have a problem adding a single c++ script and then opening the solution in vs2017. It is not a big problem. You will however need to get the correct engine build from the got hub repository.

I don’t think that will work. I’ve recompiled the project multiple times after adding c++ code, outside of the editor and running make. The issue is I have a plugin that needs a c++ project to access some custom blueprint types. It just works in a C++ project.

I highly recommend following the “Converting Blueprints to c++” course (free) on the Unreal Learning Centre ( as this is an extremely informative course that will teach you everything you need to know to do this properly. It is a very easy task once you understand the principals that this course teaches.