Converting a Structure with multiple String Arrays into one unique String Array.


I have a structure with 20 String Arrays - Each Having 5 index’s - 1 Question + 4 Answers, as shown above:

I would like to gather these arrays into maybe one single array, so that I could use a switch in order to select which question I would like to set up by a trigger later.

Here’s how I have it working right now:

Simple, but very straightforward way to set up the text, although It would be awesome to not have 1 custom event for every single question.

Instead a switch would be my ideal solution for this.

Does anyone know how can I implement a swicth in here?

Thank you for your attention!

Add an integer parameter to your function.
Use a generic “select” node instead of switch.
Plug all your arrays into matching select inputs.

I would highly recommend revisiting your data structure.

It looks like all questions follow the same format : one question string and four answer strings. Instead of using a string array, you should probably make a custom structure with 1 string field for the question, and either 4 string fields for answer or an array of answers.


Then instead of making a struct with 20 arrays of strings, simply use an array of your new struct type. The whole thing should become much clearer to manage and use.



This. I’d start putting the whole thing in a Data Table.

You can then fetch it by RowName. It’s also easier to edit a spreadsheet outside of the UE environment.

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Hey! @Chatouille and @Everynone!

Thank you for your input! These are amazing suggestions!

For now, I will implement this option, for the sake of time and because it works perfectly with the current setup:

I will implement this option in a future version, where the questions have to be edited outside Unreal for a more convenient setup.

Thank you guys for your help! This is incredible helpful!

Wish you the best!!

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