Convert string to vector

Hi I am having a format like this and i want to send all these in form of vector array Please give me some suggestion

format - (1,((X=100,Y=0),(X=500,Y=500),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950)))

Like the below mentioned Z value need to be arranged in unreal itself

I tried like this Please have a look but first index is not coming

[link text][2]

Like this:

I dont know why X and Y values are 0 and Z is coming fine

Took Input String – (1,((X=100,Y=0),(X=500,Y=500),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950),(X=1000,Y=950)))

Implemented function – [link text][1]


Ahhhh… my mistake. I ingnored the X=/Y= part…

Just chance the right hand side to:

I also didn’t understood why first index of array is not printing in this code


[link text][2]

Yes I did small mistake Here is the final solution

link text

Sorry, you must have the BP wrong:

Gimme another string to test if you like…

Great :slight_smile:

I’d watch out for that constant though, it’s not gonna work when Z is a different length:



How can i loop the same function if i add another set

I am trying like this but values are looping 2 times


You could use an array of strings, each string is one of these bracket expressions.

You run down the array and call the function.

Yea the Z value is not changing look into my new Set

first Set is having Z value as 1 and second set will be having Z val as 5

X and Y values are coming fine


Trying to modify in Below function
[link text][2]

Ah, now you’re moving the goalposts… :slight_smile:

I meant like:

For those looking for a way to convert String with Location coordinates (for example: “X=1234,Y=1234,Z=1234” ) to Vector, here is the code: