Convert String to Message Data Type

Is there a way to inline convert a string datatype to a message data type?

TrueInteractText : string = "True"
    TrueButton.SetInteractionText(--->TrueInteractText<---) #This function requires a message datatype as input.

Hi @BrianDickman:

Currently the message type is limited to requiring a string literal for initialization. You’d have to write:

TrueMessage<localizes>:message = "True"

Let us know if there’s a different use case that you have that this doesn’t solve.

Hi, is this an outdated answer perhaps? If I try this code I get an error:

“Attribute localizes is not allowed on local variables.”

TrueMessage<localizes>:message = "True"

If I take out <localizes> I get a different error:

This variable expects to be initialized with a value of type message, but this initializer is an incompatible value of type []char.

Sorry for the really late reply here - this isn’t outdated. The compiler is telling you that you cannot have a message in areas where they cannot be qualified with a full Verse path. That is to say:

    A<localizes>:message = "test message"

Is not allowed, since A is a local variable to Foo. However, you can still do something like:

    A<public><localizes>:message = "test message"