Convert std::vector to TArray by reference?

TArray::Append copies the raw memory from std::vector to TArray.
I am now dealing with huge size of std::vector so I’d like to “reference” the element of the std::vector to TArray, like,

std::vector<int> vec_test{1,2,3,4,5};
TArray<int> tarray_test;

tarray_test.GetData() =;

I know

tarray_test.GetData() =;

is impossible, but is there any way to do like this?
Maybe, some Allocator helps??

Although it seems to be long time ago, I just reply here in case someone need it.

FMemory::Memcpy(<std::vector>.data(), <TArray>.GetData(),  <TArray>.Num()*sizeof(int));

There’s TArrayView as well. If you don’t want to modify the std::vector you should be able to pass its data and size as the arguments to the constructor of TArrayView (or use MakeArrayView).