Convert project 4.23 - 4.24.3 causes crash, faulty structure?

I’m trying to move my project to newer version of engine: 4.23 - 4.24.3. But it crashes on loading project after conversion. What should I do? Please help!

Well, actually I’ve found out it’s not exactly on startup. It’s On loading one of the maps that was made previously. If I try to make new one it loads correctly. But old ones causes crash.

One more discovery. The problem is caused by a structure, that is referenced in level blueprint. Now the question is that the structure is not corrupted and works fine in 4.23. What the hell happened in 4.24, that it stopped working properly?

Have you already deleted the saved and the intermediate folder?
And where have you found sth about a corrupted structure? From what I can see, there are some Dynamic Link Librarys it fails to read. Have you also tried to disable all plugins if you have some enabled?

I’ve added symbols for debug. And look there and it says UUserDefinedStruct::SerializeTaggedProperties
And yes, there was a problem with the plugins. So I’ve deleted them. Also after that I’ve somehow managed to open the project with empty level. And it did opened.

And there I’ve encountered this problem with struct. It looks like it’s just incompatible with nested structure in 4.24.3. It never survive project conversion. But I can reconstruct it by hand from scratch.

Last report with enabled debug symbols In attachment.

Looks like structure is not the source of the problem. Traced the problem to Anim Blueprints, that was referenced in the structure…

Nope. Traced it back. As anim blueprint was referencing the structure. So I’ve reassemble it from scratch in 4.24, and deleted old one thru external file manager. And it worked.

So it looks like backwards compatibility of nested structures is broken.

Still having problem with it. I’ve reassembled everything related to that struct by hand, recompiled, saved and everything worked fine. That is until I’ve restarted the editor. And it broke again. Crashes on opening any referenced asset… Please help!

To clarify some things: a Structure itself can not be faulty. The only thing that can be are the types of variables you are using inside the structure. It seems you are using a data type of a plugin (which is not from epic games) inside your structure, is that correct? Or is it just a Structure with “normal” variable types?

I use only one third party plugin - Advanced session. And it has nothing to do with the structure itself. But as I started to think about how I organized everything, I’ve found out, that I referencing Character blueprint inside structure, and the structure inside Character blueprint. Might it be that it formed some kind of loop? But it worked fine 4.23.

Still having the same issue.
I’m trying to open a structure in editor. Structure is a nested structure that have other structures in it. Also this structure already referenced in a character blueprint. That blueprint also causes the crash if I try to open it and the error are the same. Tough if I delete this blueprint the structure starts to open normally, also if I delete structure the blueprint says that there is no such a structure and clears it from blueprint and blueprint starts to open normally.

If I clear the content of the structure. Everything opens correctly without crashes. Tough it obviously doesn’t work.