Convert Hierarchal Static Mesh Back To Regular Static Mesh

Hello, is there any way to convert Hierarchal Static meshes back to their original static meshes?

I want to control the assets individually.

And I’m hoping I don’t have to delete and individually place hundreds of instances.

Hm. Are HISM instances spawned at run time or with Construction Script in the level? If you have access to their data in the level, you could have a blutility replace them with Static Meshes.

Does it makes sense? Could it work?

Why are you replacing them btw? You run into something that cannot be worked around?

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Hi Leomeryal12 (and Everynone)

I have a tool on the marketplace that can convert ISMs/HISMs to static meshes - or foliage or blueprints - rdBPtools.


@Everynone , I actually came up with a solution similar to what you suggested.

I didn’t fully understand how they worked, and was terrified that they were uneditable.

Thank you!

@RecourseDesign , wow! (I’ve seen your asset before, but I didn’t know its capabilities extended to that.)

I wish I could mark both responses as solution, because they both work.


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