Convert FString to TEXT

How would I go about using an FString in place of TEXT(“”)

For example, In ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder it calls for TEXT(“”)


static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder SoldierLandSoundObj(TEXT("SoundCue'/Game/Sounds/MonsterLand.MonsterLand'"));

However, How would I do something like

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder SoldierLandSoundObj(SoundLocations->SoldierLandSound); //Where "SoldierLandSound" returns an FString

If SoldierLandSound is an accessible property of SoundLocations,
do this:

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder SoldierLandSoundObj(*(SoundLocations->SoldierLandSound));

FObjectFinder wants a const TCHAR* (Which is what that TEXT() macro gives us), so dereferencing the FString gives it what it wants.

Thanks, worked

But is there an actual way to convert FString into TCHAR?

you could also try

FText TextVariable = FText::AsCultureInvariant(YourStringVariable);

because the string variable could be anything it can’t give you a translatable option.

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